Still Dicking Around...
The weirdest thing for me, re-reading a lot of PKD as I am right now, is that many of his books take place in San Francisco, where I live. My apartment's in Dave Holden's neighborhood for heaven's sake. Strange sychronicities occur, let me tell you...
Just as long as I don't see a JohhnyCab or some ad on the side of a bus for the Home Voigt - Kampff Test things will be OK..... the world's pretty Dicke-ed up as it is already.
Now as to the sudden recent upsurge of Hollywood interest in "adapting" his works to the screen, it's really hit or miss...
For every "Blade Runner" or "A Scanner Darkly" we get an "Imposter"
or a "Total Recall"- from the short story "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale".
Now I hear they're going to try "Ubik".....
I fear the worst.....
But Remember -

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