I'm not going to go on too much 'bout this....kinda "Cowboys in Outer Space" from the early 60's South African radio. Cheesey ads for Carling beer....( all the astronauts i know go for boozin' an' barfin in the space suit in the zero-G enviornment BIG TIME!)...."Far Centaurus" is based on a short story by A.E. van Vogt...they're pretty goofy in a fun kinda way.....
Click here to download "THE CHALLENGE OF SPACE" - " Climb Up To Safety"as an mp3!

Click here to download "THE CHALLENGE OF SPACE" - "Far Centaurus"as an mp3!

Click here to download "THE CHALLENGE OF SPACE" - "Mission - Abort"as an mp3!

Click here to download "THE CHALLENGE OF SPACE" - "The Screwy Satellite"as an mp3!
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