Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Whole Lotta Re-Post Goin' On!

My schedule is such that for the next week or so i can't promise to be a good little datajunkie and "fill the racks" like I usually do, so here's a bunch 'o' stuff 'till I can get some more cool new content organized - OK?

Here's a nifty collection of 50's Steve Ditko SF and Horror tales i put together all from the house of Charlton. Stories are (in no particular order) JOURNEY'S END, THE CONQUERED EARTH, THE DESCISION, STRANGE GUESTS OF TSARUS, SECRET OF CAPTAIN X, MYSTERY PLANET, JUGGERNAUTS OF JUPITER, ESCAPE & LIBRARY OF HORROR and come from various publications that fall well into the public domain.
50's Ditko Volume 1!

After he returned to Charlton in the late 60's Steverino did many interesting stories that ain't seen the light of day... until NOW! "Curse of Husfat", "The Mouse Tower", "Great Ceasar's Ghost", "The Stone Lovers" (with Boyette inks!) and many more.
Late 60's Ditko Charlton!

Stories are (in no particular order) - "THE FOURTH DIMENSION IS A MANY SPLATTERED THING", "THE FIREBALLS", "DONNEGAN'S DAFFY CHAIR", "I WANT TO BE A MAN!", "CADMUS SEED", HOLE IN THE WALL", "THE BIG HUNT" & "THE LAST ENEMY". Content originally published in the late 50's and which has since fallen into the public domain.

Why? Because I demanded it!?!
Outlaws Of The West #76!

Web Of Evil #3

Journey Into Fear #15

WEIRD Apr. 1968

WEIRD Feb. 1970

With the stories "Uranium In His Cranium", "Fewer Chewers", and "Nightmare Scare"!
Basil Wolverton's Powerhouse Pepper

Over and out from the re-post host,
The Man from D.A.T.A.J.U.N.K.I.E.
Your pal - Hyper Dave!
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