Tales of Terror (Re-post By Request!)

Here's a bit of an anomaly for your (re)consideration - now this is after all a horror comic, from the early 60's, with art by EC veteran George Evans.... perhaps not Evans at his best (the art looks a bit hurried in places) but considering what was being published by Marvel and DC at the time, this is pretty spooky, gothic, atmospheric stuff from one of the stars of EC. I also feel that George captures the likenesses of the actors very well in most of the panels, and since this was always a big problem with the movie adaption comics, hats off to him. All in all, this is a pretty nice comic version of one of the better AIP films from their Poe cycle in the 1960's - starring Vincent Price (natch!) with Basil Rathbone co-starring in the "Valdemar" episode and Peter Lorre's amazing performance in "The Black Cat" adaption, which screenwriter Richard Matheson wisely blends Poe's storyline from "Black Cat" with elements from "A Cask of Amontillado". A nice art job from an overlooked maestro!
Click here to download the Dell Comics movie adaption of the Roger Corman film "Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Terror" as a pdf!
Coming soon (probably apres les weekend) : Some bizarre sights and sounds of 1950's SF, plus the usual trash (more Crime, more Horror, more re-posts by request, more paperback covers, etc, etc.....)
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