Heroes from the Funnybooks On The Big Screen....
Now that "Iron Man" and "The Hulk" have kicked ass at the box-office (which begs me to ask a preverted version of that popular Marvel Zombie argument.... "Who is stronger, ticket sales-wise, Iron Man or Hulk?"), it would seem that we'll see a horde of adaptions, some good, some not... "Constantine" anyone? No, i'd rather watch "Ghost Rider" again, if it's all the same with you...
Anyway, I thought these were way cool...
Little 4 panel comic strip adaptions of the serial versions of comic strips...
or words to that effect...

And these have been kicking around on my hard-drive for way to long, so...
more eye candy for you....

Anyway, I thought these were way cool...
Little 4 panel comic strip adaptions of the serial versions of comic strips...
or words to that effect...

And these have been kicking around on my hard-drive for way to long, so...
more eye candy for you....

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