The Green Lama Strikes!
OK... OK... gotta hold it together with this one.... let's see now... millionaire playboy Jethro Dumont (hee hee!) battles evil as... The Green Lama (bwah-hah-hah)... the world's foremost (and probably only) Bhuddist crimefighter (bwah-hah-hah-hah-hah!).
Veteran voice actor Paul Frees played The Green Lama and his alter ego Jethro Dumont (a millionaire playboy named Jethro!?!) with more conviction than i can muster...... Look, i gotta finish up quickly before i loose it completely.....
The Green Lama - "The Man Who Never Existed"
The Green Lama - "Million Dollar Chopsticks"
The Green Lama - "The Last Dinosaur"
The Green Lama - "The Perfect Prisoner"
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