Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A Joe Friday Kinda Christmas

What goes together better than dead-pan wise-cracking detectives and Christmas sentimentality? Have a hardboiled Yuletide BABY! Santa's a three-time loser if Jack Webb catches him!
(...but, i hear you ask yourself.... "Where does he FIND this stuff?"
....well...i know a GUY......and if you link directly to these files.... i'll send him over...OK?)
DRAGNET Dec. 21st 1950- "A .22 Rifle for Christmas" ( just know this is gonna turn out bad.....) & DRAGNET Dec. 22nd 1953 - "Big Little Jesus"
PS. Y'know.... now that i think of it, there is a particularily hilarious JUDGE DREDD strip where he busts Santa, not to mention several Batman AND Damon Runyon stories with a Christmas backdrop, so maybe these two aren't such strange bedfellows after all.....
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