OK.... first of all, i will mention the NEXT post will be more Skywald Horror-Mood fun - honest!
But, during the meanwhile, let's do the ol' Charlton comics thingy one mo' time.....
First up, some goodness from yet ANOTHER under-rated master of the sequential storytelling art, Mr. Pat Boyette.
Apart from a few things in the fan press (most notably the wonderful Charton Spotlight fanzine from Argo Press) this gentleman from Texas gets very little praise, and yet his work is held in very high esteem by Alex Toth (no slouch himself).
To me, there seems to be some prejudice in the fan-boy continuum towards some guys, say Alex Toth, Pat Boyette, Pete Morisi (PAM) or Mort Meskin for example, mostly because the art isn't "pretty" or "photo-realistic". If you move beyond the final look of the "finish" to the actual craft of the story-telling (stuff like panel lay-out, composition, ease of legibility in following the actual story, taking the readers' eye through the panels in an interesting yet simple way and so on... you know, dumb unimportant stuff) you can't help but appreciate Mr Boyettes' skill.
"The Spaceship" from Dr. Graves #2!
"The Hand" from Dr. Graves #10!
Dr. Graves #32!Plus this little puppy from The Phantom #37.....
RIKI LAN from Phantom #37!Also keep in mind that he was both a TV broadcaster for many years (not itself an easy job, being in front of the camera on a daily basis is a grind in itself) plus an independent filmaker in the early 60's (his horror film "Dungeons of Harrow" for example is readily available on DVD), this man had a career that was both extensive and multi-faceted. Respect where respect is due you fanboy geeks.... Don't make me throw you down the stairs... (actually, now i think about it, that might be kinda fun......).
Here's a nice trio from Ghostly Haunts, with the host with the most "Winnie the Witch", who predates the DC female horror hosts from "Witching Hour" by several years. Plus, for my money, she's the HOTTEST horror-host in the history of horror comics. Vampi has the be #2, sorry, but the blue skin, sun-glasses and cape just edges Winnie into the #1 spot. And Countess Von Blud (from Scary Tales) comes in at #3 (if you were wondering).....
These issue feature some peak Ditko stuff, incredible layouts and compositions..... amazing art from Steverino at his best!

Ghostly Haunts #22!
Ghostly Haunts #23!
Ghostly Haunts #24!From the later Nick Cuti/George Wildman era comes some selections from Monster Hunters, with work by the usual suspects... Ditko, Tom Sutton, Wayne Howard, Joe Staton and lil' Mikey Zeck....
Monster Hunters #1!
Monster Hunters #3!
Monster Hunters #6!Once again, these pdfs that you've seen posted before have been re-done, so they're all a bit bigger, and i feel, better.....
By the way, i do feel better, thanks for asking....