Hooray for Wally Wood! (...he'll soon be inking in your neighborhood!)

But seriously folks....i think Wally Wood gave more than he got back, died tragically soon and TOTALLY redefined the look of Science Fiction forever.
At his peak, Wally and his apprentices in the studio (guys like Ralph Reese, Wayne Howard, Nicola Cuti...the list goes on & on of the talented folk Woody gave their initial work in the industry) ...those guys pretty much outdrew anyone at the time when it came to SF.
His stuff had a hyper-realistic solidity to it that seemed almost photographic. His interior work at Galaxy in the 50's was in wash, while other publishers got mostly line art...allthough by the 60's, the Galaxy work wasn't quite up to the earlier stuff.
After the demise of EC, Wally had to look for other markets, and SF illustration for the digests was easy work for Wood. As the comics industry bounced back in the 60's Woody naturally gravitated there.
But hey, these illustrations ROCK, i love that aero-car in the "Spare the Rod" illustration....and when Woody drawin' robots, well we all love that! Check out these choice items from "The Iron Chancellor" by Robert Silverberg. And we have sound for that one! Excellent!
i guess someone tried an X Minus 1 revival in the 70's. but all that remains is this pilot episode. Here 'tis then, the X Minus 1 episode "The Iron Chancellor" by Robert Silverberg -
Click here to download the "X Minus 1 - Jan. 27th 1973 - "The Iron Chancellor" as an mp3!
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