¡Ultratumba, El Monstruo de Londres!

Ultratumba is a noble attempt at more Gothic horror style fotonovela (notice that I said attempt) but quickly devolves into ludicrous insanity! Enjoy!
An unfortunate accident in the lab....

...leaves Malcom horribly disfigured....

...and prone to murderous double exposures!

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 01 La Maldicion de Malcom
In best "Mystery of the Wax Museum" style, Malcom hides his scarred visage behind a mask of his own face!

The Hawley Griffin/Larry Trainor look ALWAYS wows the babes!

A word of advice Malcom - keep the mug under wraps!

Overact much?

Seriously though, images like this are why I love fotonovelas so much.... the feverish, surreal quality that is almost like a Man Ray photo montage. Low-brow pulp or High-brow art? Hyper Dave sez both!

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 02 La Muerte al Acecho
Now, I swear I've seen this panel from Issue 3 re-used as a punk 7" 45 cover or band poster somewhere.....

Super shock-o-rama split scream effect!

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 03 Las Cloacas de la Calle Nelson

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 04 Legado de Sangre
Easy on the throttle there boy!

Disfigured guy + full figured babe=Ultratumba!

Again, in all seriousness, I LOVE the angle and lighting in some panels, such as here, which looks very much like a shot from an early B&W Mario Bava film!

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 05 Terror en la Noche
Sure, ALL the girls prowl around dark cellars of creepy castles at night in bikinis and satin capes... at least in ULTRATUMBA they do!

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 06 Un Cadaver en la Torre
Now THAT'S gonna leave a mark!

Blonde bikini babe with brainy girl glasses and a gun! Sounds like a good time to me!

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 07 Huye Maldito Huye

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 08 El Castillo del Odio

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 09 La Noche de los Chacales
These fotonovelas also share a common quality with the "Roughies" of the mid-60's exploitation films, a psuedo-violent (in that it's obviously faked) feel and somewhat misogynistic vibe spiced with brief nudity and having a generally grubby and nasty low-rent tone.....

...with ray guns!

The guy on the left and I have the same reaction to THIS image! Surreal doesn't even begin to cover it!

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 11 Los Gatos Infernales

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 12 La Diosa Inmortal
Don't you just hate it when this happens?

Just another night at the local bar (if you live in San Francisco, that is).

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 13 El Fantasma del Ahorcado
Splitting Head? Rough knight?

I just love this second panel - Warren's a bit thick - Que pasa my ass! How can he NOT notice the 4 foot of sword sticking out her back! Corrine's not much better - "¡Esta Muerta!" Well yes, 4 foot of sword sticking out anyone's back will make them MUCHO muerta [dead]!

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 14 La Herencia Tragica
-Your funny comment here - [Sorry, this one's a bit too much like low-hanging fruit for me, but by all means, be my guest...]

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 15 La Asesina de las Rosas Rojas
Meanwhile, back at the Hyperdelicatessen....

She's breaking the fourth wall with a "get-me-out-of-here" look that has had me cracking up all day! Did I mention that I heart fotonovelas? Here's why!

Malcom grants her wish! She's outta here!

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 16 Volver a Morir
Uh-oh - Police violence!

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 17 La Muerte al Final del Camino

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 18 El Amor Tiene Gusto a Sangre
I concur - ¡No es posible!

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 19 Las Poseidas de Godrocks
As the series went on, the plots became just plain loopier...

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 21 El Mundo Perdido

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 23 Terror en Crantonville
...and loopier!

Everybody was Kung-Fu fighting!

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 26 Los Hijos del Gran Mogol
Seriously - people put their names on this? Wow!

Finally, Malcom meets Miss Right!

Ultratumba el Monstruo de Londres 27 Pesadilla Sangrienta
Links checked and corrected 9/11/12! So, here we are again.... first i'll fix up the dead links for the fotonovela stuff and then we forge ahead into new vistas as yet unknown....
Labels: Bwah-hah-hah, Fotonovelas